Mark 4:34 Without a parable he didn’t speak to them; but privately to his own disciples he explained all things.

This drawing is just so delightful. It makes you feel as if you are walking along on some errand or ordinary task and you pass by a group of men talking. You momentarily think “hmm, I wonder what they’re talking about” and then go on your way. Maybe you catch a snippet as you walk closer… kingdom of God? Hidden treasure? Weeping and gnashing of teeth? You are intrigued. Maybe later you see the same man and hear Him speak in a large crowd and marvel at the way He talks with authority, like He is straight from God! Or maybe you just pass by and don’t really think about it again.

It’s just a group of men discussing things on a hot day under a shady tree. Eugene Burnand was a respected Swiss artist, primarily a realist of pastoral scenes. He is not very well known today because his contemporaries were at the forefront of modern art, and so, have become more famous in the flow of art history. Burnand, a Protestant, had a strong faith and saw a huge gap in Christian art. Much of the art portraying Bibilcal events felt far away, laden with symbolism and formality. He wanted to create works that felt real and immediate. He created many paintings, but this drawing in particular was part of a series of drawings illustrating the parables of Jesus. He used real people as his models and real places as his setting. The composition is informal and approachable. He wanted to draw the way that Jesus talked and in imagery that anyone could relate to! That is how Jesus communicated deep spiritual truths to the multitudes through stories that related to their everyday, familiar experiences like making bread, planting seeds, tending sheep, growing grapes, and saving money. Many, including His disciples, were still often confused at His teaching and He would explain things more plainly to His disciples. That is what He is doing here. This was everyday life for them during His time of ministry; no halos, or formal poses, or symbols lurking in the background… just a group of friends listening to the Teacher.

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